currently wots offers tours of the following brooklyn neighboroods: bk heights, clinton hill, downtown bk, dumbo, and fort greene.
you can access the tour any date, any time you choose. wots tours are available 24/7.
in order to purchase and complete a tour, download the word on the street tours app.
all you need is your phone. download the word on the street tours app and create an account to access the tour.
the price is per group. groups can consist of one or more persons. 1-4 is recommended.
at wots tours, the word on the street are stories about each location that will inspire, encourage, make you wonder, and make you laugh.
at wots tours, street cred is respect earned for engaging in positive interactions with one another and the neighborhood.
street cred trivia: 10 points
street cred challenges: 20 points
finish time: 30 min or less- 100 points, 45 to 30 min- 75 points, 60 to 45 min- 50 points, 90 to 60 min- 25 points, more than 90 min- 10 points
completion time for each tour varies based on multiple factors including individual/group pace and distance. each tour ranges from 1-2 miles. giving yourself 1.5 hours to complete the tour is recommended.
because this is a self-guided tour, you can start the tour whenever you want, it’s totally up to you. but once you start, you have 24 hours to complete the tour, so make sure you do not click ‘start’ until you are ready to begin.
once you begin the tour, you have 24 hours to complete it, so we strongly recommend checking the weather before starting the tour.
no refunds will be provided. please make sure you read all instructions and check the weather before purchasing.